Nóra Kerekes, Founder of the MeSHe project
Professor of Medical Science (Psychiatry)
Ph.D in Medical Neuroscience
My research is in the field of psychiatry and has the overall aim to reduce people’s suffering and affect their mental health to the better by seeing the whole person. There are three distinct branches of my research, each contributing with one of the often-neglected attributes of psychiatric care.
The first focuses on culture-specific measures of substance use and aggressive antisocial behavior in adolescents. The MeSHe project. This project stresses the fact that for being able to provide equal and person-centred care for all, it is necessary to improve and adapt health- and social care and consider the individuals’ cultural background.
The second branch is a so-called ”translational psychiatric” project. Within this project we cooperate with laboratories in France and Spain where pain and neuroinflammation are studied in animal models of psychiatric diseases. In Sweden we conduct the clinical part of the project and assess data on pain perception and physiology in children and adolescents with psychiatric problems. In this project we focus on the often forgotten or underestimated coexistence of somatic and mental health complains,
The third branch of my research focuses on integrated care and complementary medical treatment methods (such as yoga and acupuncture) of mental ill-health. This project emphasizes the importance of treating the coexistence psychiatric conditions in the same time and has the aim to gather evidence on the effects of complementary treatment strategies of psychiatric conditions.
I have over 25 years of experience as a university teacher (in a broad international context) and over 15 years experience as a lecturer and supervisor of Bachelor and Master essays and doctoral theses. The subjects that I have taught mainly biological topics: Neurobiology, Cell Biology, Physiology, Histology, but also Criminology. The past years the focus of my teaching is Psychiatry, within that subject biological psychiatry and externalising child neuropsychiatric problems.
- Eriksson M, Kerekes N, Peter Brink P, Pennbrant S, Håkan Nunstedt H (2019).
The level of sense of coherence among Swedish nursing staff. J Adv Nurs. DIO: 10.1111/jan.14137
- Kerekes N, Brändström S and Nilsson T (2019).
Imprisoning Yoga: Yoga Practice May Increase the Character Maturity of Male Prison Inmates. Front. Psychiatry 10:406. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2019.00406
- Zouini B, Sfendla A, Råstam M, Senhaji M, Kerekes N (2019).
Somatic health and its association with negative psychosocial factors in a sample of Moroccan adolescents. SAGE open medicine, 7, 2050312119852527. DOI: 10.1177/2050312119852527
- Bador K, Kerekes N (2019).
Evaluation of an Integrated Intensive Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Treatment Within Addiction Care. The Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research. pp 1–11. DOI: 10.1007/s11414-019-09657-5
- Zouini B, Senhaji M, Kerekes N (2019).
Self-reported aggressive and antisocial behaviors in Moroccan high school students. Psihologija, OnLine-First Issue 00, pp 1-1 DOI: 10.2298/PSI181225001Z
- Sfendla A, Ahlström B H, Lemrani D, Senhaji M, Kerekes N (2018).
Risk and protective factors of drug dependence in two Moroccan high-risk male populations. PeerJ 6:e5930 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.5930
- Alabaf S, Gillberg C, Lundström S, Lichtenstein P, Kerekes N, Råstam M, Anckarsäter H (2018).
Physical health in children with neurodevelopmental disorders. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. pp 1–13. DOI: 10.1007/s10803-018-3697-4
- Sfendla A, Malmström P, Torstensson S, Kerekes N (2018).
Yoga Practice Reduces the Psychological Distress Levels of Prison Inmates. Frontiers in Psychiatry 9:407. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2018.00407
- Svensson O, Sörman K, Durbeej N, Lichtenstein P, Anckarsäter H, Kerekes N, Nilsson T (2018).
Associations Between Conduct Disorder, Neurodevelopmental Problems and Psychopathic Personality Traits in a Swedish Twin Youth Population. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment. (40), 586–592. DOI: 10.1007/s10862-018-9689-z
- Kerekes N, Apelqvist S, Fielding C, Anckarsäter H, Nilsson T (2018).
The Prison Adjusted Measure of Aggression (PAMA): Psychometric Characteristics of a New Tool Measuring Change in Aggressive Behaviors in Correctional Settings. Psychiatry Research (263) 130-138 DOI: 10.1016/j.psychres.2018.02.047
- Bouchatta O, Manouze H, Bouali-benazzouz R, Kerekes N, Ba-M’hamed S, Fossat P, Landry M and Bennis m (2018).
Neonatal 6-OHDA lesion model in mouse induces Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)-like behavior. Scientific Reports 8:15349. DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-33778-0
- Kerekes N., Fielding C., Apelquest S (2017).
Yoga in Correctional Settings: A Randomized Controlled Study. Frontiers in Psychiatry. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2017.00204
- Täljemark J, Råstam M, Lichtenstein P, Anckarsäter H. and Kerekes N (2017).
The coexistence of psychiatric and gastrointestinal problems in children with restrictive eating in a nationwide twin study” Journal of Eating Disorders 2017 5:25. DOI: 10.1186/s40337-017-0154-2
- Sfendla A, Zouini B, Dina Lemrani D, Berman A, Senhaji M, Kerekes N (2017).
Psychometric Properties of the Arabic Version of the Drug Use Disorders Identification Test (DUDIT) in Clinical, Prison Inmate, and Student Samples. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine 1–8. DOI: 10.1007/s12529-016-9623-2
- Kerekes N, Falk Ö, Brändström S, Anckarsäter H, Råstam M. and Hofvander B (2017).
The protective effect of character maturity in child aggressive antisocial behavior. Comprehensive Psychiatry 76.129-167. DOI: 10.1016/j.comppsych.2017.04.007
- Falka Ö, Sfendla A, Brändströmd S, Anckarsätera H, Nilssona T, Kerekese N (2016).
Personality and trait aggression profiles of male and female prison inmates. DOI: 10.1016/j.psychres.2016.12.018
- Nilsson T, Falk Ö, Billstedt E, Kerekes N, Anckarsäter H, Wallinius M, Hofvander B (2016).
Aggressive Antisocial Behaviors Are Related to Character Maturity in Young Swedish Violent Offenders Independent of ADHD. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2016.00185
- Ståhlberg O, Boman S, Robertsson C, Kerekes N, Anckarsäter H, Nilsson T (2016).
A 3-year follow-up study of Swedish youths committed to juvenile institutions: Frequent occurrence of criminality and health care use regardless of drug abuse. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijlp.2016.09.004
- Hovey D, Lindstedt M, Zettergren A, Jonsson L, Johansson A, Melke J, Kerekes N, Anckarsäter H, Lichtenstein P, Lundström S, Westberg L (2016).
Antisocial behavior and polymorphisms in the oxytocin receptor gene: findings in two independent samples. DOI: 10.1038/mp.2015.144
- Lester N, Garcia D, Lundström S, Brändström S, Råstam M, Kerekes N, Nilsson T, Cloninger R, Anckarsäter H (2016).
The Genetic and Environmental Structure of the Character Sub-Scales of the Temperament and Character Inventory in Adolescence. DOI:10.1186/s12991-016-0094-2
- Bouchatta O, Ouhaz Z, Ba-Mhamed S, Kerekes N, Bennis M (2016).
Acute and chronic glue sniffing effects and consequences of withdrawal on aggressive behavior. DOI:10.1016/j.lfs.2016.03.013
- Bador K, Bador N, Kerekes N (2016).
Partnership Interacts with the Association between Leisure-Time Physical Activity and Positive Affect. DOI: 10.4236/psych.2016.76079
- Kerekes N, Tajnia A, Lichtenstein P, Lundström S, Anckarsäter H, Nilsson T, Rastam M(2015).
Neurodevelopmental problems and extremes in BMI 2167-8359, GUP 221410
- Lundström S, Reichenberg A, Melke J, Råstam M, Kerekes N, Lichtenstein P, Gillberg C, Anckarsäter H (2015).
Autism spectrum disorders and coexisting disorders in a nationwide Swedish twin study. 1469-7610, GUP 203725
- Kerekes N, Lundström S, Chang Z, Tajnia A, Jern P, Lichtenstein P, Nilsson T, Anckarsäter H (2014).
Oppositional defiant- and conduct disorder-like problems: neurodevelopmental predictors and genetic background in boys and girls, in a nationwide twin study. 2167-8359, GUP 202123
- Sebastian Lundström; Mats Forsman; Henrik Larsson; Nora Kerekes; Eva Serlachius; Niklas Långström; Paul Lichtenstein (2014).
Childhood Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Violent Criminality: A Sibling Control Study 1573-3432, GUP 179587
- Peik Gustafsson; Nora Kerekes; Henrik Anckarsäter; Paul Lichtenstein; Christopher Gillberg; Maria Råstam (2014).
Motor function and perception in children with neuropsychiatric and conduct problems: results from a population based twin study 1866-1955, GUP 199187
- Örjan Falk; Märta Wallinius; Sebastian Lundström; Thomas Frisell; Henrik Anckarsäter; Nora Kerekes (2014).
The 1 % of the population accountable for 63 % of all violent crime convictions. 1433-9285, GUP 186092
- Danilo Garcia; Alva Stråge; Sebastian Lundström; Susanna Radovic; Sven Brändström; Maria Råstam; Thomas Nilsson; C. Robert Cloninger; Nora Kerekes; Henrik Anckarsäter (2014).
Responsibility and Cooperativeness Are Constrained, Not Determined 1664-1078, GUP 197251
- Tomas Larson; Nora Kerekes; Eva Norén Selinus; Paul Lichtenstein; Clara Hellner Gumpert; Henrik Anckarsäter; Thomas Nilsson; Sebastian Lundström (2014).
Reliability of the Autism – Tics, ADHD and other Comorbidities inventory (A-TAC) in a test-retest design 0033-2941, GUP 193669
- Maria Råstam; Jakob Täljemark; Armin Tajnia; Sebastian Lundström; Peik Gustafsson; Paul Lichtenstein; Christopher Gillberg; Henrik Anckarsäter; Nora Kerekes (2013).
Eating Problems and Overlap with ADHD and Autism Spectrum Disorders in a Nationwide Twin Study of 9- and 12-Year-Old Children. 1537-744X, GUP 177246
- Nora Kerekes; Sven Brändström; Sebastian Lundström; Maria Råstam; Thomas Nilsson; Henrik Anckarsäter (2013).
ADHD, autism spectrum disorder, temperament, and character: Phenotypical associations and etiology in a Swedish childhood twin study. 1532-8384, GUP 179588
- Tomas Larson; Sebastian Lundström; Thomas Nilsson; Eva Norén Selinus; Maria Råstam; Paul Lichtenstein; Clara Hellner Gumpert; Henrik Anckarsäter; Nora Kerekes (2013).
Predictive properties of the A-TAC inventory when screening for childhood-onset neurodevelopmental problems in a population-based sample 1471-244X, GUP 187004
- Danilo Garcia; Sebastian Lundström; Sven Brändström; Maria Råstam; C. Robert Cloninger; Nora Kerekes; Thomas Nilsson; Henrik Anckarsäter (2013).
Temperament and Character in the Child and Adolescent Twin Study in Sweden (CATSS): Comparison to the General Population, and Genetic Structure Analysis 1932-6203, GUP 180762
- Danilo Garcia; Sven Brändström; Sebastian Lundström; Clara Gumpert; Paul Lichtenstein; Niklas Långström; C. Robert Cloninger; Nora Kerekes; Henrik Anckarsäter (2012).
The Genetic Structure of Cloninger’s Psychobiological Model of Personality in Adolescence 0006-3223, GUP 178766
- Danilo Garcia; Nora Kerekes; Trevor Archer (2012).
A will and a proper way leading to happiness: Self-Directedness Mediates the Effect of Persistence on Positive Affectivity 0191-8869, GUP 166288
- Danilo Garcia; Nora Kerekes; Ann-Christine Andersson Arntén; Trevor Archer (2012).
Temperament, Character, and Adolescents’ Depressive Symptoms: Focusing on Affect 2090-1321, GUP 160705
- Sebastian Lundström; Zheng Chang; Nora Kerekes; Clara H Gumpert; Maria Råstam; Christopher Gillberg; Paul Lichtenstein; Henrik Anckarsäter (2011).
Autistic-like traits and their association with mental health problems in two nationwide twin cohorts of children and adults. 0033-2917, GUP 143670
- Henrik Anckarsäter; Sebastian Lundström; Linnea Kollberg; Nora Kerekes; Camilla Palm; Eva Carlström; Niklas Långström; Patrik K E Magnusson; Linda Halldner; Sven Bölte; Christopher Gillberg; Clara Gumpert; Maria Råstam; Paul Lichtenstein (2011).
The Child and Adolescent Twin Study in Sweden (CATSS). 1832-4274, GUP 156948
- Thomas Nilsson; Märta Wallinius; Christina Gustavson; Henrik Anckarsäter; Nora Kerekes (2011).
Violent recidivism: a long-time follow-up study of mentally disordered offenders. 1932-6203, GUP 159658
- Nora Kerekes; Sven Brändström; Ola Ståhlberg; Tomas Larson; Eva Carlström; Paul Lichtenstein; Henrik Anckarsäter; Thomas Nilsson (2010).
The Swedish version of the parent-rated Junior Temperament and Character Inventory (J-TCI). 0033-2941, GUP 159661
- Christer Svennerlind; Thomas Nilsson; Nora Kerekes; Peter Andiné; Margareta Lagerkvist; Anders Forsman; Henrik Anckarsäter; Helge Malmgren (2010).
Mentally disordered criminal offenders in the Swedish criminal system 0160-2527, GUP 125339
- Jonsson S, Kerekes N, Ericson M, Söderpalm B (2009).
Glycine receptor expression in the forebrain of male AA/ANA rats , GUP 102516
- Kerekes N, Mennicken F, O’Donnell D, Hökfelt T, Hill RH (2003).
Galanin increases membrane excitability and enhances Ca(2+) currents in adult, acutely dissociated dorsal root ganglion neurons. PMID: 14656291
- Rydh-Rinder M, Kerekes N, Svensson M, Hökfelt T (2001).
Glutamate release from adult primary sensory neurons in culture is modulated by growth factors. PMID: 11730978
- Kerekes N, Landry M, Lundmark K, Hökfelt T (2000)
Effect of NGF, BDNF, bFGF, aFGF and cell density on NPY expression in cultured rat dorsal root ganglion neurones. PMID:10869711
- Ekström PA, Kerekes N, Hökfelt T (2000)
Leukemia inhibitory factor null mice: unhampered in vitro outgrowth of sensory axons but reduced stimulatory potential by nerve segments. PMID:10704754
- Kerekes N, Landry M, Hökfelt T (1999)
Leukemia inhibitory factor regulates galanin/galanin message-associated peptide expression in cultured mouse dorsal root ganglia; with a note on in situ hybridization methodology. PMID:10362300
- Kerekes N, Landry M, Rydh-Rinder M, Hökfelt T (1997)
The effect of NGF, BDNF and bFGF on expression of galanin in cultured rat dorsal root ganglia. PMID:9134968
University West
Department of Health Sciences
Health promotion and Health Science Unit
Professor of Medical Science (Psychiatry)
Ph.D in Medical Neuroscience